
compat32 on slackware 64



Here is a quick list of what to do. Pay attention to the version number of Slackware:

On a fresh dir, as root
lftp -c 'open http://slackware.com/~alien/multilib/ ; mirror 14.0'
cd 14.0

upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new *.t?z
upgradepkg --install-new *-compat32/*.t?z
and that's it.


Email a Twitter

Correo que mandé a Twitter después de recibir respuesta por mi apelación (rellenar formulario). Solamente eliminé el email que uso para registrarme, el resto está intacto. si ven el texto al final verán el formulario que envié oportunamente. Estaba algo furioso al momento de redactarlo.

I understand all you said in the email and after doing a quick recheck I see no category in the rules which may apply to me. As I said I try to be nice and helpful to everyone as long as possible.

the real reason I got suppended it's because there's a group of people in argentina (Cyber K) doing a mass spam report on people who doesn't support the current government. I have seen this during the past weeks on many of the people I follow.

I have noticed suspensions goes for three days. I can live with that, but lifting the suspension now would be nice.

thank you.

On 07/08/2013 01:43 PM, Twitter Support wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##


We understand that you're contesting an account suspension. Please be
sure to read this entire email; you will need to take further action in
order to reopen your ticket and trigger a review of your account.

Twitter suspends accounts for a variety of reasons:

• If your account was suspended for aggressive following behavior, you
should have received an email notification to the address associated
with your Twitter account. You'll need to confirm that you've removed
all prohibited following automation from your account, and will stop any
manual aggressive following behavior. To expedite your appeal process,
please review our Best Practices
<http://support.twitter.com/entries/68916> page if you haven't already,
and then reply to this ticket with a confirmation that you understand
our policies and will not engage in any prohibited following behavior.

• Please take a minute to review the Twitter Rules

• If you received an email from admin@twitter.com saying 'you're being
suspended' or that we're going delete your account, you're safe; the
email is fake. More information here

• While we strive to avoid mistakes, it's also possible that your
account was suspended in error. If after reviewing the Rules, you have
no idea why your account was suspended, just reply to this email
indicating as much, and we'll take another look at your case. Our
apologies if the error turns out to be ours.


Twitter Support

Responding to this email will reopen this ticket and put your ticket in
queue for support. If you do not reply, your case will be closed. Note
that you need to reply from the address this mail was sent to. If you
use an alias (such as username+alias@gmail.com) to manage your account,
ensure that your reply comes from the alias address or your ticket may
not be seen by our support staff.

Please note, we cannot accept email attachments at this time; please
include all information in the body of your request.

*Your request summary is:*

*RudyMartin, Jul 08 09:43 am (PDT):*

Regarding: Suspended account
Subject: suspended for no real reason
Description of problem: even considering the fact I talk in Spanish I
don't think I deserve this. I use twitter to talk about politics and
computing and I never meant to be disrespectful to anyone, even when
others don't treat me the same way, and even when I strongly disagree on
a given subject. Three years using twitter, first time suspended. I
would like an explanation. Thank you.
Full name: Martin Baeumler
Twitter username: @RudyMartin
Email address: X
Phone number (optional): n/a


Quiero poner énfasis en esta parte:
If you use an alias (such as username+alias@gmail.com) to manage your account,  ensure that your reply comes from the alias address or your ticket may not be seen by our support staff.
que traducido con http://translate.google.com quiere decir 
Si utiliza un alias (como nombre de usuario + alias@gmail.com) para administrar su cuenta, asegúrese de que su respuesta viene de la dirección de alias o el billete no se puede ver con nuestro personal de apoyo.
 (horrible traducción pero algo se entiende) . O sea, es importante usar el email correcto.

Cuentas Suspendidas en Twitter

La idea de esta entrada de blog es aclarar malosentendidos sobre el funcionamiento de Twitter en materia de cuentas suspendidas. Todas las cosas que digo estan basadas en las ayudas de Twitter y mi experiencia personal en el uso del mismo. Si algo no queda muy claro por favor escribir un comentario al respecto.

La gran diferencia entre una cuenta suspendida y otra con cambio en el nombre de usuario o que simplemente fué dada de baja por el mismo propietario es que la suspendida lo aclara expresamente, mientras que la dada de baja o cambiada simplemente dice que no existe. Las únicas cuentas que Twitter suspende automáticamente son las que uno crea para reponer las suspendidas (ver más abajo). (edit 20140224)

Un ejemplo clarito de cuenta suspenda (al menos hasta este momento de escribir) es la cuenta @muysofia

Quizá esta aclaración resulte obvia pero es importante resaltar que todo esto funciona para los casos donde Twitter suspende de manera "injusta" acorde a sus propias reglas. Usuarios que acostumbran postear demasiados links, pornografía o cualquier cosa afuera de las reglas de Tw difícilmente lograrán que les sea levantada. (edit 20130802)

Si te suspendieron la cuenta rellenás el form aca:


y luego te llega un email el cual HAY QUE RESPONDER o la suspensión te queda (o al menos amenazan). En mi caso duró alrededor de 24 horas pero veo que la mayoría recuperan sus cuentas en tres días. Recomiendo responder en Inglés.

En este punto es importante recordar que:
1) el email afectado es el que se usó para registrar la cuenta de Twitter. Si no lo recuerda basta con iniciar sesión en Twitter desde una Pc e ir al Settings->Account mediante el ícono del menú desplegable.
2) el correo de respuesta puede caer en Correo Masivo (Spam Folder)
3) Si el email admite filtros, revisar antes que no haya ninguno bloqueando a twitter. (edit 20140303)

(edit 20130529)
 "Accounts created to replace suspended accounts will be permanently suspended."
extraído de https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311-the-twitter-rules#

y la traducción de translate.google.com:
"Las cuentas creadas para reemplazar las cuentas suspendidas serán suspendidas permanentemente."

agregado post con email enviado oportunamente (en inglés):

(edit 20140302)


En cambio, si solamente notás que te baja la cantidad de gente que seguis/te sigue


dice al pié textualmente:

We are currently working to release all inactive usernames in bulk, but we do not have a set time frame for when this will take place. If a username you would like is being used by an account that seems inactive, you should consider selecting an available variation for your use on Twitter. In general, adding numbers, underscores, or abbreviations can help you come up with a great available username.

que usando http://translate.google.com resulta en:

Actualmente estamos trabajando para liberar a todos los nombres de usuarios inactivos a granel, pero no tenemos un marco de tiempo establecido para cuando esto se llevará a cabo. Si un nombre de usuario que desea está siendo utilizado por una cuenta que parece inactiva, debe considerar la selección de una variación disponible para su uso en Twitter. En general, la adición de números, guiones bajos, o una abreviatura puede ayudar a llegar a
un gran
nombre de usuario disponibles.
Aunque parezca no tener conexión alguna, todo lo anterior viene a colación que en realidad Twitter no borra cuentas porque si como dicen algunos. Este el único punto en todas las ayudas de Twitter donde se menciona la posibilidad de borrar cuentas y realmente no lo están haciendo. (edit 20140302)

Por otro lado


es la página oficial de Twitter para reportar problemas serios con la red.



Removing adds in Facebook with Firefox Stylish Addon

updated on 2016-09-09

just a quick recipe to remove all annoying ads and irrelevant information from Facebook



and then create the template for facebook.com:

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("facebook.com") {
.uiTextareaAutogrow, .inputtext { color: black ; background-color:white }

._5ciw, .rhcFooter,





























#rightCol ‪#‎pagelet_ego_pane‬ .ego_column:nth-child(1),




a[href*="/campaign/111111"], /* REMOVED TEMPORARY */






.profile_sidebar_ads, .sidebar_ads, .adcolumn_header, .admarket_ad,

.ad_story, .social_ad_advert, .ads_feedback, .next_ad_button, .more_ads

{background:none !important;display:none !important}



Libreoffce and Slackware

IMHO and for some extrange reason, using the SOP doesn't work when trying to install LibreOffice in slackware from RPM. This is what I do

tar xf libreoffce<version>.rpm.tar.gz
cd libreoffice<version>
rpm2targz *.rpm
cd desktop-integration
rpm2targz *.rpm

tar xf libreoffice-freedesktop.tar.gz

jed -n test

write this:
for i in *.tar.gz
echo -n "$i: "
tar xf $i

exit jed and do sh test
it will decompress and create an opt dir in the current directory
then move the content as root to /opt
and move the created usr content to /usr


MySql post installation slackware

After installing MySql from source under Linux Slackware it may be a problem to have old binaries lying around in /usr/bin

here is my solution:

create an script and execute it from /usr/local/mysql

for i in bin/*
echo -n "$i: "
rm /usr/$i
ln -s /usr/local/mysql/$i /usr/$i


mini howto installing slackware from a samba share

the goal is to mount an iso image of the dvd from a samba share. Slackware setup have some network drivers already loaded in the kernel. If you can do ifconfig and see your network card, why not use it to speed up installation process?

#setup network card IP, you must use an IP within your network range.
ifconfig eth0

Make sure the smb share is configured for public access in the remote machine.

in the example it's named "test", remote IP

And then follow the SOP for re/partitioning

and then (let's suppose the installdvd.iso is on the root of the share on the remote machine):

mkdir /test
mkdir /image
mount // /test -o guest -t cifs
cd /test
#at this point you should be able to do ls and see the remote dir
mount -o loop installdvd.iso /image
#at this point you should be able to do ls /image/slackware and see the install iso content.

run setup and when selecting "Source", select "From Pre-Mounted Directory", and write

sometimes, for some odd reason, setup might umount the iso and the network share, in case of doubt press Alt F2 and check with mount.


and that should do the trick.