Be warned, this will only kill the first process found with the lowest process ID.
it takes only one argument as the partial name to be looked upon the ps -A command.
#!/bin/bashyou can replace the question with the actual command but I don't recommend it.
proc=$(ps -A |grep $1 | head -n 1)
if [ -z "$proc" ] ; then
echo Error: no processes found with the given partial name!
exit 1
echo ps -A says:
echo $proc
procid=$( echo "$proc" |grep "[0-9]*" -o |head -n 1)
echo "kill? <Y/N>"
read answer
if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ] ;then
echo Yes
kill -9 $procid
echo Testing if the process is still alive ...
isdead=$(ps -A |grep "$proc")
[ -z "$isdead" ] && echo Process has been terminated! || echo process is still alive !?
echo No!